I Am The Best

The Counter-intuitive Approach to Ego

Jay Jeong
4 min readMar 28, 2017
You’re welcome. — Kobe Bryant
What it means to have a drop.


Really for the cognitively depressed human with low self-esteem, this thought process is certainly not for everyone. We already know about the pitfalls of a massive ego from history, literature, religious scriptures, and possibly that random old guy with chipped dentures.

Also, I’m probably not qualified to write a post like this, but on some days I simply feel like a…uh…um…DIFFERENT ANIMAL BUT SAME BEAST.

Man’s Low Self-Esteem

I understand. You think you’re not good enough. You’re not tall enough. You’re not good looking enough. You’re not smart enough. You’re not sociable enough. You’re not ambitious enough. There’s always some type of bullshit thing that you put onto yourself.

Well. Here’s the thing. FUCK YO SHIT.

Do this to your low self-esteem.

I mean, there is this thing called humility. But, humility… Who the hell understands that? I was going to write something pretentiously philosophical about God, pride, and humility. But, I realized. It’s too complicated for our wee little brains.

Here’s what I do know. You and me. We’re warriors. Through hot fucking searing pain, we hunt as ravenous apex predators. We smash mountains with our bare fists and then smash world problems with our legendary minds.

But, I’m not here to tell you that you’re amazing. I’m not here to tell you that you’re capable of doing crazy things.

I’m here to tell you.

I am the best.

Gohan about to smash…wait…that doesn’t sound…

Break and Run Free

When you get to the realization that you are the best, it’ll be like a full-body transformation. But, it’s not really a transformation, per se. It’s really a return to who you really are.

The essence of human survival. The iron heart that kept us churning fire for millennia as we spread across the continents against the odds of extinction. All those fucking blisters as we single-handedly defeated the space aliens while we rode lame donkeys backwards and helped an old woman cross the street and cured AIDS with our elbows and fabulously bitch-slapped Ben Carson in a single day. (I promise this happened.)

I just need you to roar what we’ve known all along.

I am the best.

The Ultimate Solution

There is no need for belief here. You know you are the best. Absolute will. Absolute confidence. Whatever problems there are, you will fix it.

People are starving. Well, that doesn’t make sense. I’m the best. Let me get my ass working to fix it. And, I know I will because I’m the fucking best.

My friend is dying. Well, that doesn’t make sense. I’m the best. Let me get my ass working to fix it. And, he’s going to live forever because I’m the fucking best.

Ben Carson thinks slaves were immigrants. Well, that doesn’t make sense. I’m the fucking best. Let me get my ass working to fix it… Um. Actually, this is the only exception.

But, whatever it takes.

You’ll take that path. All the pain? You invite it like prey with sharp fangs encrusted with pure badass-ness. Let them know.

I am the best.

The Glory

And the moment provides — a level of transcendence that baffles yet inspires.

Constantly reaching, constantly breaking, there’s no more energy left. You’ve given every single fucking thing you have.

But, you go even further.

It should have been impossible. There should have been no hope.

But, you rise.

For an instant, the pain disappears.

The glory rains.

I am the best.

Please do not destroy buildings with your newly found powers.

Credits Song

OPTIONAL: Only recommended for those with a proper childhood. The original hype beast song.



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