Golden Spoon

Jay Jeong


Wow. Much Shiny.

I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth. Now, what the hell is that?

It’s basically a silver spoon, meaning someone was born with privilege and wealth. They didn’t have to work for it, and it was given unconditionally.

But, a golden spoon. This is much more valuable. In fact, more people are ignorant of their golden spoons than rich people are of their silver spoons.

But, it makes me really sad to say that not everyone was born with a golden spoon either.

That kills me.

So, what is it? That golden spoon…

The Sun Also Rises

The golden spoon entails the values that we were given at a young age, the values that allow us to succeed:

Discipline, Diligence, Persistence, Prudence, Sacrifice, Integrity, and Obsession.

There are more, but you get my gist.

Absolute Excellence

Like a compact, left hook.

But, why am I talking about this?

Well, I recently made a very large decision in my life, and it’s going to change everything. I’m going to suffer a lot for a very long time. You see, it’s not enough to just have the golden spoon in your mouth. If you really want to go after absolute excellence in whatever particular thing…

You have to fucking eat it.

If you’re not a hard worker, stop reading this post right now. It’s going to annoy you because you simply won’t be able to understand.

Still here? Okay, good. I’ll move on.


Don’t stop.

I was born poor. My parents came to this country with a few hundred dollars; and, they essentially didn’t know what the fuck to do other than work really hard. Neither of them spoke English either.

Honestly, I don’t know how they were able to fend for themselves, but they somehow pulled it off. It takes an unprecedented level of grit to do what they did all while taking care of me and my siblings.


But, we’re still poor. Sustainably poor, but still poor. If it wasn’t for EBT….

You know, I really, really want to return the favor that my parents gave me. I want to give back because they crafted a giant fucking golden spoon with their blood, sweat and tears.

I want them to go on a fucking vacation without worries, and live how they thought they would live in this country.

But at the same time, I found an obsession.

Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person. — Albert Einstein.

And, the obsession is to build my own path, my own way. It’s in my damn DNA. It’s the same thing that brought my parents to this country. And, this road is treacherous and uncertain.

I’ll have to grind my fucking joints against burning asphalt and climb mountains with raw palms and ripped knuckles. It’s a goddamn obsession that requires all of me.

It requires sacrifice.

While others are playing, I’m going to be working. While others are secure and well-off, I’m going to be working. While my parents are exhausted from work, I’m going to be working. While I’m broken, I’m going to be working. When my friends are struggling, I’m going to be working. When people tell me that I’m stupid, I’m going to be working.

But, I ate my fucking golden spoon.


The Dark Knight Rises

If you’re human and have the slightest bit of intelligence, you’ll be afraid when making the climb because you know that you’re going to fail over and over again. You’re going to break over and over again.

You might ask these questions:

After X amount of years, will I have the same resolve as I did when I started? What will I do if I can’t pay my bills? What if I’m too tired to move forward? What if someone I love gets sick? What the hell do I do then? How will people think of me? What do I do when others are so much further than me?

These are valid. And, most of your fears will become a reality.

But, this doesn’t deter you. You recognize the risks, not just for you but also for the people you love. You’ll burn in hell with the guilt that you’ve brought others with you.

But if you’ve truly eaten the golden spoon, your confidence will be just as strong as your fears. And, you’ll win.

The Conversation:

“Who the hell do you think you are? You think everything is going to go the way you want? You’re not special.”

“I know I’m not special, you motherfucker.”

“Then, what are you?”

“I’m not smarter, better, faster, or stronger than anyone else. I’m not special.”

“Everything you’re saying, you’re basically saying that you’re special — that you can do something others can’t. You can’t get everything with hard work. There’s a limit. And, you think — ”

“No, motherfucker. Like I said, I’m not special. I’m— suicidal.”


“Good, you get it now? Now, let’s go get some fucking pizza. I’m hungry.”

The problem with the world is that intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. — Charles Bukowski.



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