I saw some pretty flowers on the side of the road.
Next to a ditch, where the water flowed.
I picked them because they reminded me of you.
But, I let the flowers wilt.
I’m just like Algernon, I say.
A little mouse that could
Things grew —
Happiness, I’d say.
But, you don’t want more reasons to live.
Hope is a burden.
So, the flowers in my hand.
I let them wilt.
And, when they faded.
I wondered about the water.
How it went to the other side
Through a ditch that could
I would wilt — for you.
But, you don’t want that.
Hope is a burden.
You don’t want reasons to live.
I’m just like Algernon, I say.
A little mouse that could
I felt human for once.
But, all of that ends too.
I can’t cry for you.
Because you don’t want to live.
So, I’ll think about those flowers instead.
Next to a ditch that could.
I wonder if Algernon cried too.
For those flowers that he knew
Ones that he’d soon —